Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Running Update

We are still running!!! We received an email the other day reminding us that the mini is less than 60 days away! Where is the time going?! Kevin and I are still running and working towards our goal of running the entire race. Finding time to run has been difficult with Kevin's private practice 2-3 nights a week and one of us needing to watch Nolan. We have been able to work out a schedule where each of us gets the opportunity to run three times a week. The training program that we are trying to follow suggests four times a week but unless we get up early to go run that just isn't going to happen (and I don't think getting up to go run is going to happen...). Because we are only able to run three times a week we have been trying to take advantage of the times we get and have been doing longer runs than the training program suggests. So far it seems to be going pretty well. We both now know that we can run at least half of the race (My longest run has been 7 miles and Kevin has done 8...the most that either of us have ever ran...ever!!!!). Yesterday I ran outside for the first time since it started getting really cold. It felt AWESOME! I ran 6.4 miles but felt like I could have gone for hours, however I had to get back to watch Nolan so Kevin could go run. I am so excited about the warming weather and the melted snow making it possible for me to run outside again. There is just something about running outside with the fresh air that is so refreshing and energizing. Now that the weather is getting nicer again Kevin and I have discussed buying a running stroller so we can both run and take Nolan out with us. So bring on the spring weather and bring on the running!!!

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