Sunday, October 28, 2012


Last weekend my mom and Kevin's mom came down for a visit.  It was a beautiful fall weekend and we enjoyed having both of them with us.  On Saturday morning we went to Stuckey Farm to get pumpkins.  The pumpkin patch was very muddy from all of the rain the night before but Nolan had a blast picking out his pumpkin.  We took a chilly tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch and picked four pumpkins.  Here are some pictures of our adventure. 

Below are pictures of our little pumpkin. I saw this idea online and Kevin's coworker who had also seen the idea gave us their pumpkin that they used for their little one.  It was chilly and as you can tell Lucas was not thrilled at first...but then he decided eating the pumpkin was ok.  Nolan thought it was pretty cool that we put Lucas in the pumpkin.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Here are some of my favorite pictures from our 2012 family photo shoot.  We have been using the same photographer since Nolan was 1 and we always go to the same park.  It is fun to look back over the last several years and see how much Nolan has changed.  We had a fun afternoon and the weather was beautiful.  In these pictures Nolan is 3 and Lucas is 4 months.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Nolan's Art

I just love Nolan's art work.  It is so much fun to see his different creations.  Now that he is in preschool he brings home new things all the time.  Here are just a few of the recent ones.  I have decided that I will take pictures of all of them but only keep the originals of our favorites.  

Big Blues