Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lots of happenings and some pictures!

I thought that maybe after I was done with school and just working that life might slow down a bit, however this has not happened. We have been extremely busy lately spending time with friends and family, doing things around the house, and getting ready for the arrival of our little guy.

Two weeks ago Kevin, Jules, mom, and I drove out to PA for the wedding of a close family friend from our family's DC days. We left Friday evening driving part of the way before stopping to sleep and got up Saturday morning to drive the rest of the way. We arrived at our hotel just in time to change clothes and head to the wedding. The wedding took place at Cove Valley Youth Camp where we spent many summers as kids. It was a great day of walking down memory lane and catching up with friends (who are like family).

The following weekend Julia and Josh came down for a friend's wedding. It was fun to see the two of them and Jules helped to do some cleaning and decorating around the house, which was a HUGE help. On Sunday I drove up to Goshen to spend the evening at mom's house before spending Monday afternoon with my dear friends Anna and Mindy. Anna has been in Honduras since February of 08 and was home for a quick visit. It was wonderful being able to catch up and to see her after such a long time. She will be returning to Honduras this week until April of 2010. I was once again reminded of the blessing of great friends. While it had been some time since I had seen both Anna and Mindy we were able to pick-up right where we left off as if no time had passed. I wish Anna could be around when our little guy is born but we will be sure to show him lots of pictures of his aunt Anna so he will know who she is. :)

Finally, we had a doctor's visit on Wednesday. The little guy seems to be growing quite well. At the time of the appointment I was just starting week 31 but the doctor informed us that I am measuring about 2 weeks ahead at this point. So we could have an earlier arrival. Kevin and I had a brief day of panic making a new list of all the things that need to be done. We have a few things we can cross off the list, however these seem to be replaced with new things each day. We trust that some how the important things will get done and other things will just have to wait.

Today Kevin and I had some fun taking some pictures at the house and at the Arts Garden in Broadripple. Enjoy!!!


  1. don't worry about being ready...everything falls into place.. take it from me ..I haven't been ready for either of mine.

  2. You are looking fabulous(and getting bigger)! No matter how hard you try, there will be things that aren't ready but it will all work out! Besdies, little guy won't know OR care! :)
